The team at Main Street Books is small, but it isn't the bookstore size that matters; it's how you run it.
Llalan Fowler (Lay-len Fow-ler) Proper Noun. Origin: June 2nd, 20th Century
A native of nearby Lexington, Ohio, Llalan moved home in 2011 after spending time in
1. Athens, OH: earning a BA in English and working on a taste for beer
2. Washington, DC: working at the used bookstore, Second Story Books
3. Boston, MA: earning a MA in Publishing and Writing at Emerson College while working at The Globe Corner Bookstore in Harvard Square--and also honing her palate for Imperial IPAs
4. New York, NY: working at Powerhouse Arena bookstore
Llalan is a big reader and a drinker of big beers. Sometimes she even makes her own. She is also a creative nonfiction writer and the nonfiction editor of Fringe Magazine.
Jason Kaufman (Jay-son Kof-man) Proper Noun. Origin: August 21th, 20th Century
A native of nearby Loudonville, Ohio, Jason has now made Mansfield his home. He has a BA in Studio Crafts with a focus in Glassworking from Kent State University. He is a multi-faceted artist, working in sculpture, assemblage, painting, collage...and any other medium that seems like fun. He has written and is in the final stages of editing his first novel The Unknown Want, a story about a young artist losing his mind among the mentally ill war veterans that rove the streets of Loudonville. If you can't find him at Main Street Books, check next door at Relax, It's Just Coffee where he is the art gallery director and a part-time barista.